What's next for R. O'Leary?

Merch? New releases? Special editions? Take a peek!

Ebooks and Paperbacks

Galactic Fairy Tales

"In space, there are no fairy tales..."

Recently removed from Kindle Unlimited, the ongoing series will soon be available for purchase directly and on all retail sites!

Ebook and Paperback

Scorching Moon

The first in the Red Rock Canyon spin off series. About to go off to the editor, Hannah and Ash's romance should be along shortly!

Scorching Moon will be available on Amazon Kindle Unlimited.

Ebook and Paperback

Swipe Right For Monsters

Fluffier and spicier than anything I've written before, Swipe Right For Monsters is the first in a reverse harem trilogy. With everything from sweet elves to feral alpha werewolves, there's something for everyone!

SRFM will be Kindle Unlimited exclusive for the first 90 days only.